The Council: 3RF's CSO Council
What is the 3RF?
The 3RF stands for Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Framework (3RF). It is a response plan to help Lebanon address the needs of its population after the Beirut Port explosion on the 4th August 2020. The framework was launched in December 2020 by UN Secretary General
Antonio Guterres.
What is the CSOs Council?
The CSO Council is considered as a CSO CG. The Council stands as an executive body and decides which recommendations should be presented to the 3RF Consultative Group. Decisions are made by majority rule, based on consensus and not necessarily unanimity. At least one Council representative will sit in each Working Group, in the CG and in other ad-hoc meetings if necessary. The Council can provide staff and/or support to the Coordination and Communication Committee (3C) but this is not mandatory.
What are its different organs?
The Consultative Group (CG)
It is the overarching strategic body steering the direction of the implementation of the 3RF priorities. It is composed of key stakeholders of the recovery process, and it has a balanced representation of Lebanese and international actors giving the Lebanese Government nine seats, the international community ten seats, and the civil society and private sector nine seats (United Nations Lebanon, 2022). Membership of the CG is on pro-bono, voluntary basis. The members of the CG rotate yearly. Civil Society members are divided into two rotation groups; the first rotation in 2021 and the second rotation in 2022. The CG has quarterly meetings in which they discuss progress and future steps.
The 3RF Secretariat
It is the administrative body running the day-to-day work under the 3RF. It provides technical coordination and monitors effectiveness and progress of the 3RF.
The Independent Oversight Board (IOB)
Its mission is to “provide oversight on the implementation and financing of the 3RF and to hold stakeholders – including government, development partners, and implementing organizations – accountable for overall progress.” (UN). It is composed of six members representing civil society and other institutions.
Building Beirut Businesses Back and Better Fund (B5)
It is a $25 million grant financed by the LFF. The objective of the fund is to support the recovery of the financial sector by providing grants to micro and small enterprises and by supporting microfinance institutions (MFIs) affected by the Beirut Port Explosion (The Word Bank, 2021).
Lebanon Financing Facility (LFF)
It is a 5 year multi-donor trust fund created by the World Bank in cooperation with the EU and the UN. It was established in December 2020 as an immediate recovery aid after the Beirut Port Explosion. LFF is set up to pool resources and coordinate grants from donors in support of vulnerable Lebanese people and businesses affected by the explosion. The LFF is a tool to channel financing to the three focus areas of interventions under the 3RF: 1) Socio-economic and business recovery; 2) Preparing for reform and reconstruction; and 3) Strengthening coordination, monitoring, accountability and oversight of the 3RF (The World Bank, 2021).
The 3RF is structured around four strategic pillars
They are created based on the needs assessment of 17 sectors affected by the Beirut Port explosion.
Improving Governance & Accountability
Jobs & Economic Opportunities
Social Protection, Inclusion & Culture
Improving Services & Infrastructure
Who are the Council members?

The Council is composed of six non-voting members of the first rotation and six voting-members of the second rotation. Members of the council hold their position until the next rotation.
How were CSOs selected?

Through a letter of interest out of 90 CSOs, 12 were selected based on specific criteria.
How can others join?

What is Collaborative Governance?
Live Love believes that considering the critical role played by the CSOs in the response crisis, they should have a more institutionalized position within the Lebanese institutions. This idea falls under the concept of Collaborative Governance which can be defined as the process of facilitating and operating in multi-organizational, inter-sectorial arrangements in order to remedy (wicked) problems that cannot be solved by any single organization.
The implementation of a framework of Collaborative Governance permits to explore stakeholder divergences through open communication which allow for a better mutual comprehension and thus a relevant and efficient response to the needs of the public. Moreover, it aims to build a consensus thanks to an inclusive and participative process. To foster the implementation of Collaborative Governance, Live Love has created new organs: the CSO Council, the
Coordination and Communication Committee (3C), and the Task Forces.
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